Monday, November 21, 2011

Dark Humor

So this is my conversation with my fiance - Jarrett. The first part sounds a bit inappropriate because he wanted to shame me into not recording our conversation (which was actually through Skype). The rest of the conversation is a little dark now that I look back on it. I now realize we've gotten too used to dealing with tense subjects. I distinctly remember Jarrett telling me at some point that the way to stay sane out in the battlefield was through dark humor. But I realize this might be too dark of a subject, so I might delete this post once the class is over. However, I think it did a good job of taking us through the speaking dynamics.

Also, there's a reference to Tim :).

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Looking for something?

Woman throwing clothes and everything around her room. Her dog is just wagging her tail and staring at her confused. A man with a cap looks kind of concerned. He bites his lip as he’s trying to explain something to the camera. The woman looks like she’s looking for something and is really stressed about not finding it; she keeps throwing things everywhere. As she talks to the camera, she still looks concerned. The guy reaches for a beer – probably to relieve the stress. He seems to be explaining something because he moves his eyes a lot from side to side, as if almost trying to shrug something off. They’re going through the trashcans. He’s smoking and yelling now. He closes his eyes for a long time and seems frustrated. Now there’s more people in the house. Another guy looks like he doesn’t know what’s going on cu he’s moving his eyes as if trying to remember something. Woman looks extremely upset. Man number two is helping her look through her room. She’s crying now. He keeps talking to her without looking at her. It seems like he’s telling her to clean up her room. I wonder if they found what they’re looking for.

It turns out I was watching Bridezillas. I still don't know what they were looking for.